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Quality Policy

Dubhe Srl’s primary goal

It is to provide its customers with high quality products and services. In order to achieve this goal, the company is committed to:

Satisfying customers in terms of product quality, pricing, and service, with the aim of establishing true partnerships rather than simple supply relationships

Consolidating and improving its positioning on the national and international market, increasing the visibility of the company and its products, and striving to be competitive on the market by guaranteeing high quality standards

Optimising its management processes by maintaining and improving its Business Management System compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard

Engaging the staff through active, continuous, and proactive collaboration, with the goal of ensuring continuous improvement in terms of processes, customer service, and environmental and occupational health and safety management practices

Bolstering collaboration with its suppliers, as they play a crucial role in achieving high quality standards

Managing risks and opportunities that impact on the System’s ability to achieve the expected results and/or improve customer satisfaction

Monitoring the context in which the company operates in order to understand any factors that could affect the system’s ability to grow based on its stakeholders’ needs and expectations

Ensuring an organisational structure with the resources and infrastructure necessary to implement the system in accordance with the occupational health and safety standards

Conducting “Management Reviews” of the Quality System at appropriate intervals in order to ensure its continuous adequacy and effectiveness, in compliance with the company policy, and to ensure its continuous improvement

Consistently disseminating the best environmental practices, and raising awareness among all the workers of the need to reduce the amounts of energy consumed and waste produced, while at the same time researching and applying new technologies to improve the management of environmental aspects and impacts.

Codice Etico

La Dubhe S.r.l. nello svolgere le proprie attività applica ed esorta al rispetto dei principi etico-comportamentali espressi nel Codice Etico, nonché al rispetto di tutte le procedure previste dal Modello di Organizzazione e Gestione ex D.lgs. 231/2001 di cui la Società si è dotata.

Scarica il Codice Etico